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Supporting young people's mental wellbeing around climate change

What can we do to support young people’s mental wellbeing around climate change?

We know that children and young people in particular are concerned about climate change and the world they will inherit. Awareness on the part of the adults in their lives, ensuring that they are not overwhelmed by their thoughts and emotions, is important.

  1. Find time to read trusted sources of information and good resources about climate change and potential associated concerns and impacts
  2. Provide opportunities to discuss issues that may be worrying children and young people. Don’t overwhelm them with information
  3. Listen to children and young people, and indeed adults, when they express their concerns, so that they feel validated and understood. Just talking about something can alleviate stress and anxiety
  4. Assist them in developing awareness, without overwhelming them, and promoting life-skills they can utilise to help them develop resilience. Encourage them to be mindful of the places in which they live, play and work and to be respectful of nature, people and other species

Importantly, look after your own mental health and wellbeing, don't overwhelm yourself with information, keep a balance between any concerns you may have personally about climate change and any actions you decide to take, and seek support if you find you are struggling. You can visit www.giveusashout.org or text SHOUT to 85258 for in the moment support.

These tips are available to download and share on our resources page.