Your donations help to provide free, confidential help 24/7, to anyone in the UK who urgently needs support with their mental health.
Your donations help to provide free, confidential help 24/7, to anyone in the UK who urgently needs support with their mental health.
This Mental Health Awareness Week (12 - 18 May), please consider supporting Shout by sponsoring a conversation. You'll be helping to provide a potentially life-saving safe space for someone in crisis.
Thank you for helping me through my lowest. I wouldn't of known what could of happened to me if you weren't there to speak to, you saved my life tonight
Shout texterEvery £10 we receive can allow us to take a potentially life-saving conversation with a child, young person or adult in mental health crisis.
It's quick and easy to set up a monthly gift through JustGiving. Regular donations support our pioneering work to improve the mental health of the UK population.
Giving directly through your payroll is the most tax-efficient way to support our service. Click here to find out more.
Gift Aid is a simple way to increase the value of your gift to Shout at no extra cost to you. If you pay tax in the UK, we can reclaim the basic rate of tax you have paid on your gift, which increases the value of your donations by 25%. So if you donate £100, it's worth £125 to us.
All you need to do to make a Gift Aid declaration is to tick the Gift Aid box on the donation form when donating online. This confirms that as an individual taxpayer you want us, the charity, to receive the tax paid on your donation.
Remembering Mental Health Innovations in your will can help us improve the mental health of the UK population for generations to come.
Support Shout as you shop with PayPal, Amazon Smile and easyfundraising
Book a free home clothing collection to help raise funds for our service and support people in crisis.
The funds you donate support every aspect of our service. A recent report, ‘Shout’s role in UK suicide prevention and the economic benefits’, found that in the first three years our service prevented at least 126 suicides and saved the UK economy £252m.
We couldn't do it without the support of people like you.
Make a difference to people in need of mental health support. Sign up to become a Shout Volunteer.
Your fundraising support helps us continue to be there 24/7 for anyone who needs in the moment mental health support.
Join our mission to improve mental health across the UK and receive updates on how you can help us prevent suicides.