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Your fundraising plan

To reach your fundraising target we recommend breaking down your total into smaller goals. If your minimum fundraising goal is £2,500 and your fundraising deadline is in six months time, your plan might look a little like this.

Target: £500 raised by end of month 1

Example activities

  • Share your fundraising story on social media. Use your own photos and our fundraising pack.
  • Talk to friends, family and colleagues about your challenge and why you’ve chosen Shout.

Target: £1,000 raised by end of month 2

  • Hold a bake sale, coffee morning or quiz.
  • Sell off old bits you’ve been meaning to get rid of.
  • Update everyone you know on how your training is going - include photos!

Target: £1,500 raised by end of month 3

  • Organise a fundraising morning or evening based on something you enjoy.
  • See if local businesses aligned with what you’re doing (like your gym) will donate or offer items for you to raffle off.
  • Let everyone know about the difference the Shout service makes.

Target: £2,000 raised by end of month 4

  • Reach out to any other communities and clubs you’re a part of for support.
  • Keep posting on social media and get in touch with your offline networks. Perhaps there are neighbours who would like to support you, or clients and other teams who might not know about your challenge yet.

Target: £2,500 raised by end of month 5

  • As you get closer, why not hold another event, letting people know how much left there is to raise and the different this can make.
  • Tell family, friends and colleagues you’ll complete a mini challenge if you can hit your target before the deadline - it might be jumping into cold water, shaving your head or something else that will really motivate them to donate.
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