Angus' story: My journey as one of Shout’s first volunteers
As one of Shout’s very first volunteers, Angus has given more than 1,000 hours of mental health support to hundreds of children, young people and adults across the UK.
When I started volunteering not only did I find myself helping people, as I had wanted to do, but it gave me a sense of worth that had been missing for some time.
Angus Shout VolunteerWhy did you want to become a Shout Volunteer?
In 2011, I fell off a mental health cliff and was hospitalised. My gradual recovery brought me to the realisation that I was incredibly fortunate to have access to immediate mental healthcare through medical insurance. Most other people are not so lucky.
Looking at my incredible two daughters, I simply couldn’t imagine them going through what I had been through without specialist support. I was wondering how I could change this when I bumped into Shout.
Why does Shout appeal to young people?
Parents aren’t always the first people kids want to turn to if they’re having problems. As a text service, Shout is a safe and familiar way for kids to open up without feeling exposed.
What do you find most rewarding?
When I started volunteering for Shout, not only did I find myself helping people, as I had wanted to do, but it gave me a sense of worth that had been missing for some time.
After a while, I found myself wanting to help people for longer than my volunteering shifts. The amazing supervisors at Shout came up with an idea: train to become a qualified counsellor. I’ve started my training and am now on placement as a school counsellor.
I will never stop volunteering for Shout because the knowledge and experience I have already gained is priceless.

Find out more about becoming a Shout Volunteer and apply here.